Square root of decimals is carried out in the same way as for whole numbers. Square root of a number and squaring a number are inverse operations. The Square of a number is the value of power 2 of the number, while the square root of a number is the number that is multiplied by itself to give the original number.
In this article, let's learn how to find the square root of decimals using solved examples and practice questions.
What is Square Root of Decimals
Square root of decimal is the value of a decimal number to the power 1/2. For example, the square root of 24.01 is 4.9 as (4.9)2 = 24.01. The square root of a decimal number can be calculated by using the estimation method or the long division method.
In the case of long division method, the pairs of whole number parts and fractional parts are separated by using bars. And then, the process of long division is carried out in the same way as any other whole number.
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