In this thrilling movie recap of Salt, we follow the intense journey of CIA agent Evelyn Salt, played by Angelina Jolie, who is accused of being a Russian sleeper agent. As Salt races against time to prove her innocence, she uncovers a massive conspiracy that could destroy the world as we know it. From shocking betrayals to high-stakes action, Salt's loyalty and identity are tested at every turn. Will she stop a catastrophic plot, or is she the key to it all? Watch this action-packed breakdown to relive every twist and turn of this gripping spy thriller!
This video contains copyrighted material from the movie Salt, which is the property of SONY Pictures Entertainment. I do not claim ownership of any clips, images, or music used in this video. All footage is used under the "fair use" doctrine for the purposes of commentary, review, and criticism. If you are the copyright owner and have any issues with the content, please contact me.
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