UP FAMNIT - prava fakulteta za svež začetek!
UP FAMNIT - the right place for a fresh start!
Študiraj v prijetnem mednarodnem okolju, izberi kakovost, izberi Famnit!
Zakaj izbrati UP FAMNIT?
Najprej zato, ker izobražujemo za poklice v matematiki, računalništvu, naravoslovju in psihologiji, ki veljajo za najbolj iskane strokovne profile v Evropi in svetu. Ob tem pa nudimo še:
- atraktivne študijske smeri prihodnosti s poudarkom na interdisciplinarnosti študija,
- sodobne metode poučevanja, podprte z informacijsko tehnologijo,
- priznane in mednarodno uveljavljene predavatelje ter oseben stik s študenti,
- možnost raziskovalnega dela že med študijem,
- sodelovanje s podjetji v okviru praktičnega usposabljanja in projektov,
- študij v prijetnem mediteranskem okolju v Slovenskem primorju,
- bogato ponudbo obštudijskih dejavnosti v sodelovanju s študentskim svetom in študentskimi društvi.
Why choose UP FAMNIT?
First and foremost because we offer a unique educational opportunity for some of the most sought-after professional profiles in Europe and the world, such as mathematics, computer science, the natural sciences and psychology. Furthermore, we offer:
- attractive future-oriented study courses with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity,
- modern teaching methods supported by informational technology,
- award-winning and internationally renowned lecturers with a personal approach to students,
- the opportunity for research work during your studies,
- cooperation with industry in the framework of practical trainings and projects,
- a pleasant Mediterranean environment at the Slovenian seaside,
- a rich offer of extracurricular activities in cooperation with the Student Council and other student associations.
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