Icicle is a Grey-Headed Flying-Fox orphan who was rescued by the energy company, off his dead mum on power lines.
The rescue was in the middle of the night. It was cold, raining, and Icicle was so cold and wet, he was rigid. He couldn't even cry.
He was warmed up, regained his mojo, and has turned into this delightful little baby.
He's about 8 days old.
Like babies, he's not fully in control of all his limbs, and he likes to let go of my finger and wave his legs around. Sometimes he nearly pokes himself in the eye.
Icicle is not a pet - he's a wild orphan who will be raised by a specialist bat carer, and will be released when he's about 5 months old after going through batty kindergarten - which is called creche.
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