In John 10:34, Jesus tells that Pharisees that it is written in the Law that "you are gods". He is quoting from Psalm 82:6 where it says, "I said you are gods, sons of the Most High. All of you". In the New Age movement, this verse is misinterpreted in a gnostic context (such as that taught by the Gospel of Thomas), or the mystical context of Christ Consciousness (such as that taught by Eckhart Tolle or Deepak Chopra) to support the idea that we are all little gods. It's asserted that Jesus was a mystic, or that Jesus was a Buddhist, or that there are some secret teachings of Jesus that the church omitted from its theology.
In this video, we will do a Bible study on what Jesus really meant in the New Testament, what the Pslamist meant in the Old Testament, and how we can know Jesus was not teaching that we can have some kind of spiritual awakening or gnosis whereby we become gods.
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"You Are Gods": What Did Jesus Really Mean?
you are godsjesus was a mysticjesus was a buddhistgnostic christianitydeepak chopra jesusthe gospel of thomasnew age vs christiansteven bancarzsteven bancarz new agenew age debunkedjohn 10 34new age movementchrist consciousnesspsalm 82 6ye are godsdid jesus say we are godswe are godschristian mysticismi have said you are gods