#vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #specialforces #specijalnejedinice #kov #vs #soldiers #army #military #armija #vojska #srbija #serbia #armament #arms #weapons #naoruzanje #oruzje #serbianarmedforces
According to the announcement of the Minister of Defense Miloš Vučević, the number of members of the Special Forces of the Serbian Armed Forces will be increased from 1,500, as they currently are, to 5,000.
The increase in the number of members of the special units of the Serbian Army will significantly increase its combat capabilities, primarily for the execution of tasks related to the third mission of the army, which involves assisting the civil authorities in opposing internal threats to security, terrorism, separatism and organized crime.
The budget of the Republic of Serbia will not be too burdened by this increase, and the army will gain in quality and efficiency.
Defense Minister Miloš Vučević announced that the army will increase the number of members of the special units of the Serbian Armed Forces by the end of 2023, who "will be ready to respond to all the challenges facing Serbia".
Prema najavi ministra odbrane Miloša Vučevića, broj pripadnika specijalnih snaga Vojske Srbije biće povećan sa 1500, koliko ih trenutno ima, na 5000.
Povećanje broja pripadnika specijalnih jedinica Vojske Srbije će značajno povećati njene borbene sposobnosti, prvenstveno za izvršavanje zadataka vezanih za treću misiju vojske koja podrazumeva pomoć civilnim vlastima u suprotstavljanju unutrašnjem ugrožavanju bezbednosti, terorizmu, separatizmu i organizovanom kriminalu.
Budžet Republike Srbije ovim povećanjem neće biti previše opterećen, a vojska će dobiti na kvalitetu i efikasnosti.
Ministar odbrane Miloš Vučević, je najavio da će vojska povećati broj pripadnika specijalnih jedinica Vojske Srbije do kraja 2023, koji će „biti spremni da odgovore na sve izazove sa kojima se suočava Srbija“.
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