William Shakespeare's Plays
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays in his entire life. The exact order of the composition and performances of Shakespeare’s plays is difficult to prove—and therefore often disputed. The dates listed below are approximate and based on the general consensus of when the plays were first performed:
"Henry VI Part I" (1589–1590)
"Henry VI Part II" (1590–1591)
"Henry VI Part III" (1590–1591)
"Richard III" (1592–1593)
"The Comedy of Errors" (1592–1593)
"Titus Andronicus" (1593–1594)
"The Taming of the Shrew" (1593–1594)
"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" (1594–1595)
"Love’s Labour’s Lost" (1594–1595)
"Romeo and Juliet" (1594–1595)
"Richard II" (1595–1596)
"A Midsummer Night’s Dream" (1595–1596)
"King John" (1596–1597)
"The Merchant of Venice" (1596–1597)
"Henry IV Part I" (1597–1598)
"Henry IV Part II" (1597–1598)
"Much Ado About Nothing" (1598–1599)
"Henry V" (1598–1599)
"Julius Caesar" (1599–1600)
"As You Like It" (1599–1600)
"Twelfth Night" (1599–1600)
"Hamlet" (1600–1601)
"The Merry Wives of Windsor" (1600–1601)
"Troilus and Cressida" (1601–1602)
"All’s Well That Ends Well" (1602–1603)
"Measure for Measure" (1604–1605)
"Othello" (1604–1605)
"King Lear" (1605–1606)
"Macbeth" (1605–1606)
"Antony and Cleopatra" (1606–1607)
"Coriolanus" (1607–1608)
"Timon of Athens" (1607–1608)
"Pericles" (1608–1609)
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"Cymbeline" (1609–1610)
"The Winter’s Tale" (1610–1611)
"The Tempest" (1611–1612)
"Henry VIII" (1612–1613)
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