The Gray Man has a lot going on besides Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling, but they are absolutely the reasons to see this movie. Ryan Gosling tones Court down- you really believe he was nurtured in his line of work, not born into it. Gosling is eternally tired in the role. Every obstacle, every adversary gets the same tossed off "Are we really doing this?" look from Gosling. Yet there's also an eternal spark: his wit, as if the opportunity to fire off a quip is what keeps him going through stab wounds and raining gunfire. The quipping brings something new to this spy archetype-the sense that this is just a particularly tough day on the job for Court and Gosling communicates that really well.
Every performance has its equal opposite reaction; so the yin to Gosling's yang is Chris Evans as Lloyd Hansen. Where Gosling is just barely limping his way from explosion to explosion, Evans is confidently striding after him. He walks into this movie with a prominent mustache on his lip, or "trashstache," as Court calls it, and a smile on his face, ready to do his thing. Lloyd enjoys his job. He waxes poetic about the joys of improv in torturing and the opportunity to kill the prized asset of his former employee only sweetens the deal and raises his spirits. Evans is whistling and skipping as he inflicts government-sanctioned mayhem. It's fun to watch him play a character this unraveled and unafraid of any repercussions for his psychotic actions.
The Gray Man also features setpiece upon setpiece of impressive action. It's not always the best-presented, and the editing can be discombobulating, but there are points where directors Russos find their footing. And the magnitude of some of the confrontations between Court and enemy forces also make seeing this movie worthwhile. A tram racing through the streets of Prague with Ryan Gosling dodging enemy fire, for example, or a fistfight in the middle of a firework launcher with fireworks erupting all around-there are moments in The Gray Man that are undeniably cool.
The Gray Man - Fireworks Fight scene
the gray manryan goslingThe Gray ManThe Gray Man FireworksThe Gray Man FireworkThe Gray Man Fight sceneThe Gray Man ryanThe Gray Man goslingThe Gray Man chrisThe Gray Man evansThe Gray Man ryan gosling chris evansThe Gray Man gosling evansgosling evansThe Gray Man gosling chris evansThe Gray Man sceneThe Gray Man - Fireworks Fight scene