Michael Jackson's Moonwalker is the name of several video games based on the 1988 Michael Jackson film Moonwalker. U.S. Gold published various games for home computers, released in 1989, whilst Sega developed two similarly themed beat 'em up video games in 1990; one released for arcades and another released for the Sega Genesis and Sega Master System. Each of the games' stories loosely follow the story of the film, in which Michael Jackson must rescue kidnapped children from the evil Mr. Big, and incorporate synthesized versions of the musician's hits, such as Beat It and Smooth Criminal. The games, particularly the Genesis adaptation, have achieved cult status.
Different from the home computer version, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (マイケル・ジャクソンズ・ムーンウォーカー Maikeru Jakusonzu Mūn'wōkā?) is an arcade video game by Sega (programming) and Triumph International (audiovisuals), with the help of Jackson which was released on the Sega System 18 hardware. This game suffered from Sega's suicide battery on its arcade board (a battery that, accidentally or otherwise, renders the game unplayable at the end of its lifespan). The arcade has distinctively different gameplay from its computer and console counterparts, focusing more on beat 'em up gameplay elements rather than platform.
This is an emulated arcade version using M.A.M.E.
Captured and played at 60fps.
Played at default arcade difficulty
Used in this longplay:
PC hardware - AMD gpu
Emulator - Mame
Controller - 10 button custom made arcade joystick -
Joystick: Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT
Buttons: OBSF-30 with 2 microswitches
Keep it real, keep it bad, you know it!!!!
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker Arcade Longplay [HD 60FPS]
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Video Game)Arcade Game (Video Game Platform)LongplayPlaythroughWalkthroughmameCoin-OpHD720p60fpsPCMaster SystemSega Mega DriveSmooth CriminalBeat itAnother Part Of MeThrillerBillie JeanMoonwalker (Film)ClassicRetroU.S. GoldSegaAmigaAmstrad CPCAtari STCommodore 64MS-DOSMSXZX SpectrumSingle-playerMaze gameBeat 'em UpPlatformerShooterマイケル・ジャクソンズ・ムーンウォーカMaikeru Jakusonzu Mūn'wōkā