This lovely song is performed by Vanessa Lea and Road Train, and send encouragement and love over the waters to Schapelle.
Schapelle Corby landed in Bali in 2004 to find that 4kg of marijuana had been put in her board bag. She was illegally interrogated for 9 hours, and then subjected to a show trial which beggars belief. The court refused to test the drugs for country of origin (if they were Indonesian they must free her), they refused to fingerprint/DNA, and they then burned all this evidence so that it could never be used to free her! Even the judge - he had never acquitted anyone in over 500 cases and he refused to even order the seizure of CCTV from the airport.
Schapelle never had a chance and didn't have a trial. She was sentenced to a political 20 YEARS in the hell of an Bali prison: longer than murderers, rapists and terrorists often receive.
She is still there NOW and needs YOUR help.
Her cries for justice are not heard and her tears are not seen. Schapelle Corby desperately needs YOU to speak for her.