The American Eskimo (Eskie) descends from Spitz dogs from northern Europe. For many years, most people believed that the first specimens of this breed were born in the United States. However, experts claim that their real origin is from Germany, where they were known for a short time as German Spitz. Later during the First World War, Americans renamed them as American Spitz. It wasn’t until 1927 that this breed gain his actual name and became very popular all over the country thanks to the circus Barnum and Bailey.
Time for some Ruff Trivia:
- Able to perform many tricks, is the American Eskimo Dog known for being the first dog to perform what dangerous stunt?
o A: Juggling
o B: Walk a tightrope
o C: Trapeze
What do you think, give it your best guess in the comments below before we get to the answer! Hang on tight and we’ll get back to this Ruff Trivia Question toward the end of the video.
The American Eskimo Dog comes in three sizes, but the miniature measures 12 to 15 inches and weighs about 20 pounds. This breed stands out for having a strong body covered by a white, thick and smooth coat. The head is triangular, the snout pointy, the eyes brown and oval, with an intelligent and alert look. The ears are triangular and pointed upwards. In addition, they move with an agile and proud step.
Grooming: Despite the two layers of dense and abundant hair, the care of this kind of dog is very easy. Experts say that it’s best to comb him at least two or three times a week. Due to the natural oil in its fur, he stays clean for a long time, for this reason they shouldn’t be bathed so frequently. Like other breeds, their nails should be trimmed and the ears cleaned at least once a month.
Temperament: Cheerful, fun and eager to please its owner, the American Eskimo Dog is a faithful and generally obedient pet. With an independent and tenacious personality, this race enjoys a lot of running and sharing long walks with their human family. He’s also an excellent guardian, able to share with children, other dogs, pets and all people in general.
Training: When we have a pet dog, it’s important to ask ourselves how we will train him? And if we talking about an American Eskimo the best option is to educate him throug games. Despite its diminutive size, the Eskie thinks big and due to his intelligence, this breed is able to learn quickly, sometimes just looking at other dogs. Get some basic obedience training tips and find the best trainer here in BrooklynsCorner.com
Health: Although it isn’t a breed with too many health problems, this dog can suffer from cryptorchid, mononuclear, weak joints, hypoglycemia and skull malformation l. With a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, the American Eskimo can avoid all these diseases with good care and annual visits to the vet.
Maybe is his tender appearance or his cheerful personality, or his intelligent, but whatever it is, the American Eskimo Miniature is a pet capable of captivating its owners. He’s an independent thinker, curious, with a strange ability to solve problems that makes him stand out in almost any canine activity of intelligence or agility. In short, the American Eskimo Dog is definitely a beautiful and active companion for the whole family.
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