Butterfly In The Sky tells the story of the beloved PBS children’s series "Reading Rainbow," its iconic host LeVar Burton, and the challenges its creators faced in cultivating a love of reading through television. Two seconds into the bubbling synth sounds of its theme song will have a child of the 1980s or ‘90s exclaiming “Reading Rainbow!” Such is the beloved nature of the classic children’s literary television show that introduced millions of kids to the wonder of books. Not only did the series insist on having kids speak to kids about their favorite stories,Reading Rainbow introduced the world to one of the most adored television hosts of all time, LeVar Burton. Thanks to his direct, non-patronizing and, most importantly, kind delivery, Burton became a conduit to learning for children of every background - delving behind the pages to the people, places, and things each new story explored.
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Showing: Friday, Sep 30th, 6:30 PM @ Tennessee Performing Arts Center - Johnson Theater
Runtime: 87 minutes
Director: Bradford Thomason, Brett Whitcomb
Producer: Bryan Storkel
Executive Producer: Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Leonardis, Bryn Mooser, Justin Lacob, Kathryn Everett, Andy Hsieh, Tony Hsieh, Raymond Esposito, John B Pounders, Dava Whisenant
Cast: LeVar Burton
Cinematographer: Tony Hardmon, Brett Whitcomb
Editor: Bradford Thomason
Animator: Ali Clark Creative
Composer: The Octopus Project
Sound Design: Lawrence Everson
This video is brought to you by Storic Media, and is part of the NashFilm Podcast Series. The “NashFilm Podcast Series” is a series of podcasts featuring filmmakers featured at the 2022 Nashville Film Festival. This series of interviews will feature all nine films in the festival in the documentary features category: Butterfly in the Sky, Carol & Johnny, Your Friend Memphis, Relative, Outta the Muck, Calendar Girls, Still Working 9 to 5, My Name is Andrea and In the Bones. The podcast series will also feature select filmmakers from the narrative features and music documentaries categories as well as an interview with a primary sponsor of this year’s festival: PickleJar.
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