Realistic Kato Unitrack , the sixth detailed video in the Model Train Diorama How To Series. This could easily be called N Scale Modelers How To Series, as I model N Scale, but the modeling and scenic techniques and how to tutorial instructions apply to all types of model railroad layouts, modules, and dioramas, and may be valuable to both beginners and advanced modelers.
This video walks through the process of ballasting and weathering Kato Unitrack on my N Scale Diorama, first showing how to add ballasts to the already included plastic ballast of the track, and then the use of Monroe weathering powders to make the track and ballast look realistic.
Future videos will cover other aspects of the diorama module build.
My goal is to share in these videos my process of learning and building my first N Scale train layout using techniques I am learning by watching other modelers on YouTube.
I am using extruded foam extensively, using Ken Patterson’s layout construction as a model.
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Model railroading is fun, please join me as I work on building my first layout
Realistic Kato Unitrack | Model Train Diorama How To Series
n scalemodel railroadmodel trainsrealistic sceneryKatoUnitrackKato UnitrackWeatheringWeathering PowderMonroe Modelsmodel railroad scenerymodeling tipshow tomodel train layout tutorialmodel train dioramaballastballastingtrain tracksbuilding a model trainmodel train tutorialtrain layoutmodel train trackmodel trainmodel railroadingluke towanmodel train buildn gaugemodel railroad how todiorama tutorialballasting track