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Here, I present some visualisation and calculation for the polar form of a complex numbers. This is important if you want to solve equations with complex numbers. I apologise for my pronunciation. The focus is on the mathematics and not my English skills :)
(This exercise fits to lectures for students in their first year of study: Mathematics for physicists, Mathematics for the natural science, Mathematics for engineers, Linear algebra and so on)
Polar form of complex numbers - How to calculate?
Mathematics (Field Of Study)MathematikNormed SpaceAnalysisLinear Algebralineare AlgebraAnschaulichDefinitionAufgabeIntegralLinear algebraLineare AlgebraMatrizenMatrixLGSGLSLösungenbasiskernelstudysolvinglinear equationssolutionssetsolution setexplainstudentfirst yearexercisetransformation matrixmatricescomplex numbercomplexanalysismathshelp students