To date, more than 4000 exoplanets are known: that is, we know over 4000 planets in orbit around stars other than our Sun! And in this video we will offer you a review of the most extreme and curious exoplanets or the first discovered exoplanets of their type known so far.
Like 51 pegasi B, PSR B1257, Methuselah, Proxima centauri, 55 cancri e, kepler 16b, gliese 1214b, kepler 37b, tres 2b...
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Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
02:32 Metuselah
02:52 51 pegas
05:26 Kepler 186f
06:28 The closest exoplanet
07:13 Kepler 16ab b
09:48 Kepler 90 system
10:48 The darkest exoplanet
#insanecuriosity #mostextremeexoplanets #exoplanets
The Most Extreme Exoplanets In The Universe
insane curiosityspacescienceastronomyexoplanetsmost extreme exoplanets in the universemost extreme exoplanets51 pegasi bextreme exoplanetsexoplanetplanetsmethuselah planetmethuselahHD 209458 bhd 209458 bextrasolar planet55 cancri eplanethabitable zoneearth like planetearth like planetsproxima centauriproxima centauri bkepler 16kepler-16bhd 10180tres-2bdarkest exoplanetJanssenkepler 37bgliese 1214 b