'My Special Tatay' tells the story about Boyet, a young man with mild intellectual disability who lives a simple life with his single mother, Isay (Lilet). His life suddenly changes when his family finds that he will be conceiving a child with Aubrey (Rita Daniela). Despite his special condition, they would still take care of the child along with the help of his aunt Chona (Candy Pangilinan) and Boyet's childhood friend and long-time crush, Carol (Arra San Agustin).
Watch full episodes of 'My Special Tatay' on GMANetwork.com/fullepisodes and youtube.com/gmanetwork. 'My Special Tatay' stars Ken Chan as Boyet. Also included in the cast are Rita Daniela, Jestoni Alarcon, Arra San Agustin, Lilet, Teresa Loyzaga, Jillian Ward, Candy Pangilinan, Bruno Gabriel, and Phytos Ramirez with the special participation of Valeen Montenegro, Empress Schuck, Ashley Rivera, and Matt Evans. #MySpecialTatay #MSTFullEpisode
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My Special Tatay: Full Episode 59
gmanetworkphilippineskapusofullepisodesGMA NetworkGMA Full EpisodesMy Special Tatay GMAMy Special Tatay full episodeMy Special TatayGMAdramaromantic comedylove teamsGMA love teamsKen ChanRita DanielaJestoni AlarconArra San AgustinLiletTeresa LoyzagaJillian WardCandy PangilinanBruno GabrielPhytos RamirezValeen MontenegroEmpress SchuckAshley RiveraMatt EvansRitKen