Former minister and senior Congress leader Dr Daggubati Venkateswara Rao met with YSRCP chief Jagan Mohan Reddy at Lotus Pond in Hyderabad on Sunday. Their meeting comes just days after Venkateswara Rao’s son Hitesh Chenchuram made his intention to contest the 2019 elections in Andhra Pradesh on a YSRCP ticket. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Rao made his intentions of joining the YSRCP clear. The former Congress leader told media, “Our son has decided to work under the leadership of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. When we informed Jagan about the same, he was quite happy about the decision.” When media persons asked how Jagan responded to his request to join the YSRCP, Rao replied saying that the party was yet to take a call on it. “From the last couple of years, I have been observing Jagan’s personality, his padayatra and interviews. I wish all his hard work will pay off.”
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