The CBI will continue to question JS Gujaral, the former Deputy Chief of the Indian Air Force. CBI sources said that Gujaral, who headed the procurement division of the Air force when the AsustaWestland deal was signed is co-operating with the investigators. He is being questioned for the second time and he is the first person to be examined after the Italian court orders. The former Air Force Chief, SP Tyagi will be questioned by the on 2nd of May. Meanwhile the intricate web of of corruption that has been stitched by middlemen between the Ministry of Defence officials and the Fin Meccanica has been exposed by a series of audio tapes. The tapes currently in possession of investigating agencies details how Guide Haschke as well as Carlo Gerosa, the key middlemen in the 3600 crore AgustaWestland Chopper scam manged to send crores to Indian officials in exchange of information from the Ministry. In a conversation Gerosa and Haschke discuss the fall out of the probe that is looking in the AgustaWestland case and how their interest will remain intact because of the information they hold. In another tape Gautham Khaitan, a Delhi based lawyer who has been convicted in the VVIP Chopper scam raises his concerns over the probe to Haschke that he is afraid that the probe is moving very fast. According to the Enforcement Directorate, bugging of the AgustaWestland Chopper deal middlemen's phone's helped them crack the case. ED currently has the taped conversation with them and also has transcripts of Khaitan, Haschike and Gerosa. Conversations details has helped map kick bags trail and ED may seek further records of taped phone conversations from the MIlan court to help crack the politician Bureaucrat nexus.
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