I wish I had known these top 5 things before I bought my first seahorses. My hope is that sharing the top 5 things (that I just didn't take seriously enough when I started out), will help you avoid making some of my mistakes! I love raising and breeding seahorses more than most things in life, and can't describe how interesting and amazing these guys can be. That is why it's so hard to look back and realize that if I had just listened to my mentors, I could have avoided some of the illnesses and losses that hurt the most.
Seahorses are NOT difficult!!! But they are DIFFERENT. The people that have been successful keeping seahorses long term put together guidelines for a reason, and anyone who follows them has a better chance at success. However, I personally share in this video how easy it can be to think that a little reefing experience "excuses" following some of those guidelines. Be smarter than I was, and just listen to the multiple breeders, keepers and seahorse lovers who have PROVEN that the guidelines work!
Wine Wednesday will hopefully start tomorrow, be sure to check in! More top 5 videos, the dwarf set up video, and a few surprises are also on the way!
DON'T MISS THE POD CONTEST in the "Meet the CopeGod" videos, that ends March 20th! Maybe I'll announce the winner live :).
Dwarf seahorse picture borrowed from Lucie Arawana and the upcoming dwarf tank set up video. THAT VIDEO IS SO CLOSE TO DONE IT'S NOT FUNNY.....I PROMISE....SO SOON!
Star wars pictures used under Creative Commons license. However, I like to credit as much as possible :). splashofourworlds.com is quite an interesting site anyways, so check it out!
The seahorse in the car..... I made myself! (I'm quite proud of it, haha. But ignore the missing part of poor Hazel's head).
The website isn't quite finished, so do not be upset by links that don't work. But definitely get on the subscriber list early if you're interested in all that is seahorse! We're going to do some really cool stuff, and of course provide assistance to any new keepers! [ Ссылка ]
The link to Seahorse Source: www.seahorsesource.com! HAHA. I bet you would have never guessed!
Apologies for the weird audio. Seems that audio is just not my best feature :(. I forgot my little clip microphone, and didn't realize until too late. Finally, don't fret for my erectus! The tank looks shabby because......WE'RE UPGRADING :))))))
Top 5 things I wish I had known BEFORE buying seahorses!
Seahorsehow totop 5saltwater aquariumstankfishtaylor nicole dean seahorsescaptive bredseahorsewhisperercoralfish12g seahorsehow to set up a reefhow to set up a seahorse tanktop 5 seriestop fivequarantinebefore seahorsesmistakestaylor nicole deanwisherectussaltwaterkingofdiyseahorse sourcequality over quantityvaried dietcoralfish12gseahorse keepingguidelinesbreederyoutube seahorsesresearchnano tank challenge