A Cold & Windy winter Sunday, what else are you going to do? So as is tradtion with friends 4 of us go in a car and look around yards/depots to find Class 66/77's stabled or working along with other locos. On the 11/1/15, Here is what we saw:
1: 77025 stabled in Calais Frethun
2: 77040 in Calais Frethun main yard
3: 77028 + 66190 also in Calais Frethun main yard
4: Europorte/GBRf 92043 stabled in Calais main yard
5&6: 66208 waiting departure in Caffiers station
7: Local units pass working from Calais to Boulogne
8: 66211 in Caffiers Quarry
9: 66233 & 66208 in Caffiers Yard
10: 66249 & 66240 alsi in the yard
11: Same as above
12: Another look at 208 & 233
13: Europorte 4023 in Dunkirk Yard
14: VFLI 77503, 77501 & 77506 in Haubourdin Yard
15-17: A look at the hundreds of stored locos in Sotteville Les Rouen
18: 66049 & a ECR G2000 in Alizay depot
19: a look at the 23 stored Class 58's in Alizay depot
20: 66033 & 770xx in Alizay
21; Back to Caffiers before heading home & 66190 arrives with an aggregate train. 66239 is also stabled.
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