In this latest political analysis, we bring you the explosive statements made by Om Prakash Rajbhar about the BJP. As the India elections approach, every move by the political parties is being closely watched, and Rajbhar's comments have sparked a controversy. The BJP news has been dominated by Rajbhar's statements, which have left many wondering about the future of the political alliance. In this video, we delve into the OP Rajbhar interview and provide you with election insights that you won't find anywhere else. With the Uttar Pradesh politics heating up, Rajbhar's comments on Akhilesh Yadav have sent shockwaves through the political circles. We also examine the BJP criticism and Rahul Gandhi's stance on the matter. Stay ahead of the curve with our political commentary and get the latest news on ABP News Live.
What Om Prakash Rajbhar Just Said About BJP
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