Nestled in the scenic hills of Chiba Prefecture is the katana samurai sword forge belonging to Tsuguyasu, winner of countless different prestigious awards, including the Prince Takamatsu Memorial Award, a Chiba Intangible Cultural Property, and receiver of the rank of "mukansa."
Forging katana samurai swords is a profession requiring both a keen aesthetic eye and unwavering perseverance, as creating just a single katana can take up to 6 months. Tsuguyasu, like the other handful of remaining swordmasters still forging in Japan, must meticulously heat the steel, fold the metal, hammer out deficiencies, and shape the sword using careful concentration and considerable skill.
Join Tsuguyasu for a homecooked meal using local ingredients and menus in the wooded alcove outside of his study, experiencing a small slice of rural comfort outside of Tokyo's city limits. After the meal, enter the katana workshop and see the creation process up close, and even get the chance to try striking the iron yourself using genuine forging tools.
Then, move to a traditional Japanese-style room and learn the method of properly appreciating katana swords, and finish with conversation with the swordmaster over a cup of matcha tea and wagashi.
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