Sensitive teeth is the most common problem, many of you have encountered ,sensitivity, the patient often tell that I can’t take cold foods or icecreams like that how to solve this one. There are different various causes of this sensitive teeth. The most common cause of sensitive teeth is a cavity and the dentinal tubules are exposed then, patient often cant take these cold fluids and other things. So evaluation of the cavity is very essential. So you should visit the dentist to rule out the cavity, if required you can do a filing, or if required can do a root canal treatment. Another most common causes of sensitivity is weaker gums.If you have not visited many years to your dentist and if the gums are weaker then the exposure of the root surface can also lead to sensitivity of teeth. So this can be effectively managed by proper oral prophylaxis from the dentist and proper use of desensitizing paste and mouth rinses. Apart from this, another major common cause of sensitivity of teeth is we call as cervical abrasion, means if you have used faulty tooth brush, brush with harder bristles and the excessive force that is used not required, them there is loss of enamel at the gum level and which we call as cervical abrasion. In these kind of cases, even if we use any kind of paste and all, it will not be helpful. So this kind of cases, you should always visit dentist he will evaluate the case and there are filling materials which when you may do in these areas , you can prevent your sensitivity . Apart from this, there are different reasons of sensitivity, like if the the patient has met with an accident there is the loss of the enamel or biting of an excessive hard food , that kind of cases, when you reconstruct the enamel with tooth coloured materials, then you can prevent sensitivity. Sensitivity can be a gradual phenomenon or physiologic phenomenon, usually in people above 50 years the earlier reasons whatever are seen in younger individuals, middle age also and even in older ages, but the commonly what older individuals, what you see is physiological wearing of the enamel with the age. So after 60 years and all, there are new advances that are available in the dentistry. When you visit the dentist, he will evaluate elderly patient and you can do bonding for these kind of teeth. You can completely see the dentinal tubules and making patients to have their favourite foods.
Causes of sensitive teeth - Dr. Pujari M R
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