The staff for the Given anime franchise debuted the full trailer and poster visual for Eiga Given: Umi e (Given The Movie: To the Sea), the second film in the two-part sequel anime film project. The trailer announces that the film will open on September 20 and teases the story's conclusion. The trailer also features Ritsuka's singing voice and the band centimillimental's theme song "Ketsugen" (In Conclusion).
Somehow, the guitar that he used to love to play and the basketball games that he found so fun just lost their appeal... That was until Ritsuka Uenoyama randomly met Mafuyu Sato. Ritsuka had started losing his passion for music in his everyday life, but then he hears Mafuyu sing for the first time. The song resonates with his heart and the distance between them starts to change.
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