Tempo bom, pesca combinada com o Bruno Frias, com sorte, encontramos um belo cardume de peixe porco... Estavam famintos, são enumeras as capturas dos mesmos.
Fica a partilha do nosso dia de pesca.
Boas pescas a todos.
Going to fishing with Bruno Frias, we went fishing and with luck we found a beautiful shoal of triggerfish, they were hungry. There is lots of catches...
Here's the sharing of our fishing day.
Happy fishing everyone.
#fishing #greytriggerfish #tambores #peixeporco #peixes #pescaesportiva #pesca #pescaria #acores #azores #saomiguelisland #vilafrancadocampo #barros #pescar #pescado #fishingvideo #fishinglife
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