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How to Magnetise Necrons ➜ [ Ссылка ]
Converting Indomitus Necrons ➜ [ Ссылка ]
How to Paint Necrons ➜ [ Ссылка ]
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About IDICBeer 40k - NECRONS and More
My Channel is all about Warhammer 40,000 and is mainly a Necron Channel. The content on it will include 40k Battle Reports, Army Lists, Conversions, Magnetising tutorials, Painting tutorials, 40k Tactics and lots of General Hobby Tips. I have been into the hobby since 2002 and my first and largest army is Necrons and I cover all things Necrons, including Necron tactics and Tips. I also have an Eldar army, Dark Eldar army, a Tyranid army and a Space Wolves army. I'm also working on a new Slaanesh based Emperor's Children army, but that is on hold atm, but I will get to it one day! I upload videos every week.
Just Me and My Hobby! Learning, Sharing and Caring for the Miniature Wargaming Community
New Necron Dataslate and Point Changes
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