A short documentary, narrated by Cedric Smith (Anne and Green Gables, Road To Avonlea) that takes the viewer through the inspirations that fueled L.M. Montgomery's creation of Anne of Green Gables and Kevin Sullivan's film adaptation 80 years later.
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L.M. Montgomery's Island Documentary
Anne of Green GablesRoad To AvonleaAvonleaL.M. MontgomeryLucy Maud MontgomeryCedric SmithSullivan EntertainmentGazeboTVwatch Anne of Green GablesAnne of Green Gables behind the scenesAnne with an EAnne ShirleyAnne Shirley CuthbertMegan FollowsTales from AvonleaDisney ChannelAvonlea disneyPrince Edward IslandAnne of Green Gables 1985Anne of Green gables full filmAlec KingDocumentary