Port Security using static mac-addresses
Port Security is an important feature that enables to restrict the number of mac addresses allowed to send traffic on a particular port of a switched network. A certain number of unique mac-addresses are allowed to access the port and send and receive traffic over it. Port Security is to protect the switch from the malicious MAC Address Attack by limiting the maximum number of MAC addresses that can be learned on the port. The port with Port Security feature enabled will learn the MAC address dynamically/statically.
Securing Port using static Mac-Addresses:
We will configure port security on the switch such that a particular port will allow only those mac-addresses that it will learn statically during the configuration. In other words, it is the manual binding of a mac address to a particular port.
Set up a switched network like above. Assign each PC a unique IP address.
Let say ranging from to
Four PCs are connected to switch via ports fa0/1,fa0/2
We want to secure the port fa0/1 to allow the only one connected PC2 to send traffic. No other PC can use the port fa0/2.
Go to switch CLI
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