The first part of this video starts about one and half an hour before Midnight and is a timelapse video. The individual photos were shot with ISO 2000, 18/1.8 shooting at f2.0 and auto shutter speed. RAW, converted into JPEGs via the default converter of MacOS. I did NOT try making the exposure the same for all photos; hence the major, abupt changes to the light levels even between subsequent levels. Sorry about that: it's impossible to expose for both the (dark) sky (with Nordic Lights and the like) and the fireworks themselves - the dynamic range just isn't sufficient for that.
During shooting in this two-hour timelapse video, I used the iPhone 16 PM to shoot true video, particularly because of its quality audio. See [ Ссылка ] . Of course that video doesn't (can't) convey any of the Nordic Light goodies - after all, we're speaking of only a small-sensor camera as opposed to the fullframe Lumix S5 II.
When (around half an hour after Midnight) I noticed the activity of Nordic Lights had considerably increased, I switched to shooting video on the Lumix. I mostly used 1/20s shutter speed; sometimes dropped it to 1/15s. Aperture fully opened (f1.8). During this time, I (obviously) didn't shoot with the iPhone any more.
00:00 photos
03:16 video
Photos: [ Ссылка ]
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