Syberia is a franchise of graphic adventure games created by Belgian comic artist and video game developer Benoît Sokal. The central focus of the franchise, beginning with the eponymous 2002 video game, follows the experiences of Kate Walker, an American adventurer who originally worked as a lawyer in a prominent New York City law firm. In each installment, Walker travels to various fictional locations in continental Europe and former Soviet states during the 2000s.
▌Evolution of Games Playlist: [ Ссылка ]
0:00 Syberia
0:45 Syberia II
1:30 Syberia 3
2:15 Syberia: The World Before
3:00 Outro
#Syberia #Evolution
Evolution of Syberia (2002-2022)
gameplaywalkthroughplaythroughhd1080p1440poriginal qualityretroall school gameplaysold schoolnew schoolevolutiongamesseriespcwindowspsxpsoneps1playstationps4ps5xboxonexonenintendoswitchdsndsandroidioswindows mobilex360xbox 360ps3ps2SyberiaSyberia IISyberia 2Syberia 3The World BeforeMicroïdsBenoît Sokal