In this module I cover the basic framework of situational leadership, coaching practices inside of Toyota, and link the concepts to my 4 Types of Problems framework. I'll provide links to the website where the remainder of this free 2 hour course can be found for interested parties.
0:00 Topic Introduction
0:58 Situational Leadership Framework and Toyota Way
2:18 Situational Leadership Basic of Diagnosis, Flexibility, and Partnering for Performance
3:33 Development Levels D1-D4
6:12 Flexibility in Styles S-S4
9:00 Development Levels and my Toyota Experience
14:28 Linkage to 4 Types of Problems
17:00 Summary
Situational Leadership and Coaching Toyota Style
situational leadership theoryleadershipcoachingproblem solvingtoyota production systemtoyota leadershipproblem solving coachingcoaching problem solvingLeanLean thinkingtoyota problem solvingpractical problem solvinglean manufacturinglean coachinglean leadershiplean managementArt Smalley4 Types of Problemsituational leadershipmanagementyt:cc=onlean thinking toyota