The European Green Deal will be crucial for the future of Europe and the world. Future generations will not forgive us for Climate Change! [ Ссылка ] #eudebates #GreenDeal #ClimateChange #Climate Sunčana Glavak is a Croatian politician currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament for the Croatian Democratic Union.
Sunčana Glavak (PPE). – Mr President, allow me to make a brief review of the European Green Deal and its role in shaping a different Europe. I will continue in Croatian.
The Green Plan will be crucial for the future of Europe and the world.
We are witnessing great changes in the world. Fires, sea and ocean levels are increasing year by year, threatening many islands and cities. Last month, in Split, the second largest city in Croatia, the highest sea level was measured since 1955. Croatia faced one of the largest fires in history in two years, with floods affecting homes and streets in 60 seconds before our eyes. This is what I witnessed.
The fight against climate change has been launched on one of the 1244 Croatian islands, the island of Zlarin. They will no longer use disposable plastics and have introduced such a rule even before the European Commission and the decision to ban it. The Green Plan is an opportunity to create jobs, improve quality of life and grow economically.
I will conclude with the words of Ban Ki-moon: “We are the last generation that can take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Future generations will not forgive us if we fail to maintain our moral and historical responsibilities. ”
Zeleni plan bit će ključan za budućnost Europe i svijeta.
Svjedoci smo velikih promjena u svijetu. Požari, razine mora i oceana rastu iz godine u godinu te prijete brojnim otocima i gradovima. Prošlog je mjeseca u Splitu, drugom najvećem gradu u Hrvatskoj, izmjerena najviša razina mora od 1955. Hrvatska se suočila u dvije godine s jednim od najvećih požara u povijesti, a poplave su u 60 sekundi odnosile domove i ulice pred našim očima. Ovome sam i ja svjedočila.
Borba protiv klimatskih promjena pokrenuta je na jednom od 1244 hrvatska otoka, otoku Zlarinu. Više neće koristiti jednokratnu plastiku te su uveli takvo pravilo čak i prije Europske komisije i odluke o njezinoj zabrani. Zeleni plan prilika je za stvaranje novih radnih mjesta, poboljšanje kvalitete života i gospodarski rast.
Zaključit ću s riječima Ban Ki-moona: „Posljednja smo generacija koja može poduzeti korake kako bi se izbjegao najgori utjecaj klimatskih promjena. Buduće generacije neće nam oprostiti ako ne uspijemo održati svoje moralne i povijesne odgovornosti.”
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