When you are going to deposit large amounts of money like $5k or more in your checking account you have to carefully choose your bank. Smaller banks limit your monthly deposits to a few thousand dollars per month. For example, Chime bank has a limit as low as $10k and $1,000 every 24 hours.
Other banks may limit your maximum balance to $100k. Your best bet is a big bank like Chase or Bank of America where you can deposit cash in person. By law when you deposit large amounts of money over $10,000 - tellers have to ask you where you got the money from and file the IRS Form 8300. Be careful to not break deposits to avoid filling the form, because you may raise a red flag. Easier way is deposit a large check. Checks often show where money come from. But, keep in mind that banks put hold on your checks for up to 2 days on sums up to $5k and up to 7 days on sums above $5k.
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