Video tutorial on how to repair the leak on the power steering reservoir found on BMW vehicles. This is a very common issue with a simple fix. The sign of failure in this situation is you will notice an excessive amount of power steering fluid residue around the cap area slowly working it’s way down the reservoir and finally to the components located directly underneath. This is normally caused by the failing gasket or o-ring in the cap and can be purchased for just a couple dollars. The gasket or o-ring is design to keep the oil in and keep the dirt out of the reservoir. This particular tutorial was done on a 1997 BMW 540i.
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Tools/Supplies Needed:
-small standard/flat screwdriver
-clean cloth
-new gasket or o-ring
-using a small standard/flat screwdriver, remove the o-ring or gasket from it’s location
-take extra caution not to damage the sealing surface as this can cause a leak
-clean the area of with a clean cloth
-put the new gasket or o-ring into place and be sure the o-ring isn’t twisted
wipe down the sealing surface on the reservoir
-as for cleaning this residue off, you can use Spray Nine or some form of degreaser
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DIY: BMW Power Steering Reservoir Leak Repair
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