"I’ll be the first to admit that I had never heard of Centerplate, the concessionaire company responsible for selling you $8 hot dogs, $13 cups of beer, and $7 bags of peanuts when you either go to see large men beat each other stupid on Sundays — when they’re not beating their girlfriends – or at monster truck rallies put on for folks who can’t blame their stupidity on a concussion. I thought Aramark — purveyor of nutritious maggots — had that whole gig wrapped up.
But when Des Hague, CEO of Centerplate, made national news after elevator camera footage showed him going Reggie Roby on a defenseless puppy, Centerplate got some unwanted attention and all the concessionaire’s lawyers and all the concessionaire’s crisis management people were put on Red Alert to stop the bleeding.
We don’t know a lot about Des Hague, outside of the fact that he is a multi-millionaire, and that he is an asshole.” *
John Iadarola ([ Ссылка ]), Gina Grad ([ Ссылка ]) and Ana Kasparian ([ Ссылка ]) discuss.
*[ Ссылка ]
CEO Kicking Dog, The Knee Defender, Bombers' Sister Arrested & Ebola Outbreak - The Young Turks 8/28/14 Social Commentary
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Disturbing Footage of CEO Kicking Puppy
des hagueceo centerplateceo des hagueceo of consessionaire companyanimal abuseanimal crueltyceo kicks puppyasshole ceoasshole ceo abuses puppycenterplateconcession companymulti-millionaire ceo abuses puppymillionaire ceo kicks puppybullshit public apologiespublic apologydobermanGina GradJohn IadarolaAna KasparianThe Young TurksTYTChief Executive Officer (Job Title)