'Meri Bhavna' is a prayer for all humanity, promoting peace and self upliftment. We should listen to this prayer everyday. O God please bless mankind to think and act positively so that the whole world will be peaceful.
singer-Rashmi Kothari
video edit- Mitali Kothari
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Meri Bhavna (jisne raag dwesh) by Rashmi Kothari
Meri Bhawnaprayerprarthanapeacehumanityjain stutijainismworld peacereligiouscompassionfriendshipspiritualatmaparmatmasoulgodmankindsingapore musicianeveryday prayerjisne raag dweshvitraaghappinessself upliftmentmoral vlauesloveprempyarunitycommunityektasarv dharm sambhavall religion prayerprabhudivya vachanamritvanijintogethernessbondingdevotionbhaktiaradhanadevoteearchanapujasamtaequalitymokshsalvation