Raiden attempts to instil the virtues of the free market and then gets his arm chopped off, as he should
Sound Effects only version: [ Ссылка ]
Raiden DESTROYS Sam with FACTS and A SWORD
Metal Gear RisingMetal GearMetal Gear SolidRevengeanceMetal Gear Rising RevengeanceRevengeance StatusSundownerRed SunRed Sun over paradiseMGRMGSRaidenSolid JJmemeshitpostMetal Gear Rising ShitpostFunnyTHE MEMESMaxorSenator ArmstrongStanding hereIt has to be this wayfunnywesturn off my cringe inhibitorsSamJetstream SamThere will be bloodThe only thing I know for realAquamanHbomberguyBen Shapirosell their houses to who ben