In a shocking turn of events, Maharashtra witnessed a weekend coup as Ajit Pawar, nephew of veteran politician Sharad Pawar, broke away from the party and joined the Sena-BJP government as the Deputy Chief Minister. The political landscape is ablaze with charges and countercharges, with accusations of betrayal and power grabbing. Joining the debate on India Upfront with anchor Padmaja Joshi, a panel of experts including Ali Daruwala from BJP, Manisha Kayande from Shiv Sena, Varun Singh and Harshvardhan Tripathi, political analysts, along with Pranay Ajmera from NCP and Sajid Supariwala from Shiv Sena UBT, will dissect the ramifications of this political upheaval. Don't miss the intense discussion on the Ajit Pawar case and the implications of the triple-engine government.
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