What happens when mystical wisdom meets rational rigor? In this imaginative simulation, Al-Ghazali and Immanuel Kant engage in a debate that spans centuries and cultures.
They discuss whether reason can comprehend the divine, if morality requires divine guidance, and whether metaphysical knowledge is possible.
Join Attic Books as we explore this timeless debate between faith and reason, inspired by the works of Ghazali and Kant. Links to the books are available in the description.
Al-Ghazali Challenges Kant's Enlightenment
faith vs reasonGhazaliKantEnlightenmentIslamic theologyphilosophy debatemetaphysicsmoralitydivine revelationhuman reasonBaghdadKönigsbergAttic Booksmedieval philosophy18th centurycritique of reasonIncoherence of the PhilosophersRevival of Religious SciencesCritique of Pure ReasonCritique of Practical Reasonmystical wisdomrational inquirycultural clashtimeless debatespiritual insightuniversal moralityintellectual exchange