#pyroman #pyromanul #petarde #artificii #firecrackers #fireworks
Ce zici de un like si subscribe? Ma ajuta foarte mult si ma face sa mai postez!
How about a like and subscribe? It helps me a lot and makes me post more!
Vizionare placuta! / Enjoy!
Daca aveti intrebari, astept comentarii, dar nu inainte de a citii rubrica "intrebarii si raspunsuri" de mai jos!!! / If you have questions, I expect comments, but not before reading the "questions and answers" section below !!!
Intrebari si raspunsuri! / Questions and answers!
- De unde ai petardele? / - Where do you get the firecrackers?
- De la magazin specializat in acest domeniu. / - From a specialized store in this field.
- Cat costa un anumit produs? / - How much does a particular product cost?
- Cauta informatii si documenteazate despre ce te intereseaza in special. / - Find information and documented about what interests you in particular.
- Vinzi? / - Sell?
- Nu. / - No.
- Cati ani ai? / De unde esti? / Cum te chema? // - How old are you? / Where are you from? / What is your name?
- Acest canal nu este despre viata mea, este despre pirotehnie! / - This channel is not about my life, it's about pyrotechnics!
- Ce o sa gasesc pe acest canal? / - What will I find on this channel?
- Acest canal este dedicat in special pirotehniei! O sa gasesti doar lucruri adresate acesteia! / - This channel is dedicated especially to pyrotechnics! You will only find things addressed to it!
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