Studio Ghibli is by far one of the most successful animation studios outside the US. With stories that transcend time, language barriers, countries, and cultures, Studio Ghibli at one time made nothing but timeless classics. Though when Hayao Miyazaki first stepped away, Studio Ghibli started to see it's first downturn in it's history. It wasn't until Hayao Miyazaki came back to get the studio back on track and direct The Boy and the Heron that things started running like the old days. But when Miyazaki finally steps away for good, will that be the end of Studio Ghibli as we know it? Is The Boy and the Heron the last timeless classic we'll see from the famed studio?
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Why It's Impossible For Studio Ghibli To Continue
Studio GhibliStudio Ghibli The Boy and the HeronStudio Ghibli Hayao MiyazakiStudio Ghibli LegacyStudio Ghibli HistoryNerdstalgicStudio Ghibli DownfallStudio Ghibli MoviesStudio Ghibli AnimationStudio Ghibli AnimeHayao MiyazakiHayao Miyazaki DirectorHayao Miyazaki AnimationHowl's Moving CastlePonyoCastle In the SkyPrincess MononokeMy Neighbor TotoroSprited AwayAnimeAnime FilmsAnime HistoryNew RockstarsScreen CrushIGNWatchMojoNerd