“The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald is an American animated miniseries of retail direct-to-video episodes produced by Klasky Csupo in association with the McDonald's Corporation, centering on McDonald's mascot Ronald McDonald and the gang in McDonaldland. A total of six 40-minute episodes were produced and released on VHS with five of them being available exclusively in participating McDonald's restaurants from October 9, 1998, to January 30, 2003.”
Since Klasky Csupo/McDonald’s never released this series on DVD/BluRay, and no one archived the full series on high-quality, I decided to make a fully remastered series. All the episodes are on their original aspect ratio, upscaled digitally to 4K 60fps, and also with remastered audios.
The upscaling is not perfect in some parts, but it works pretty well in general.
Softwares used in the restoration process:
-Topaz Video Enhance AI v2.6.2;
-VEGAS Pro 18.0;
-Adobe Photoshop 2022:
-FlowFrames 1.29.0;
This is a file log of some files I got from other encoders:
- mercatfat “McDonald's - Ronald Gets Animated & Beast Wars Toys Ad”: [ Ссылка ];
- FailBob2000 “The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Visitors from Outer Space (60fps)”: [ Ссылка ];
- FailBob2000 “The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Legend of Grimace Island (60fps)”: [ Ссылка ];
- Vhs Vault & Restoring “The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald - "The Legend 'o McDonaldland Loch (720 60fps)”: [ Ссылка ];
- Most of the audio was taken from this archive.org: [ Ссылка ] ;
0:00 Episode 1: Scared Silly (October 9, 1998)
39:52 Episode 2: The Legend of Grimace Island (January 22, 1999)
1:18:48 Episode 3: The Visitors from Outer Space (April 23, 1999)
1:58:25 Episode 4: Birthday World (March 30, 2001)
2:38:41 Episode 5: Have Time, Will Travel (October 19, 2001)
3:18:17 Episode 6: The Monster O’ McDonaldland Loch (January 30, 2003)
Ещё видео!