Plot: The year after training a young Freddy Wong (Jackie Chan) in Drunken Boxing, Beggar So / Sam Seed returns to find that his wife has adopted a son Foggy.
Sam takes a disliking to the boy and tortures him mentally and physically. Devastated, the boy runs away and takes a job at an inn, where he meets Rubber Legs and his student. He overhears that they are looking for Beggar So and want to kill him, making Rubber Legs' Northern 'Drunk Mantis' Boxing supreme.
Dance of the drunk mantis(Drunken master 2) Part 4
DanceofthedrunkmantisYuenWoo-pingSiuTiendancingartskaratemartialbeerkatamartial artsdrinkwingmasterbrucedefensesongsingingformselfryudojocombatsenseitrainingpandajetwing chunninjaactionweaponskendotrailerdefencesworddummydemonstrationtechniquesseminarformstraditionalsubtitledchinaleungwoodenchenmoviemovesinternalself defensedonniehapkidookinawaboxingtaekwondochangbasicstickcranewastedtournamentgrandmaster