Bendungan Kamijoro - Timestamp : August 11, 2023 5:10 PM
Bendung Kamijoro merupakan bendung yang berada di aliran Sungai Progo tepatnya di Desa Kamijoro, Kecamatan Pajangan, Kabupaten Bantul di bagian timur, sementara untuk bagian barat ada di wilayah Kecamatan Sentolo dan Kecamatan Lendah. Bendung Kamijoro akan membawa manfaat yang besar untuk irigasi di dua kabupaten yaitu, Kabupaten Bantul dan Kulon Progo. Diresmikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada 31 Desember 2019 lalu, bendungan ini mempunyai fungsi untuk mengairi Daerah Irigasi (DI) Pijenan seluas 2.370 hektar, juga berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air baku sebesar 25 liter/detik untuk Kabupaten Bantul dan 475 liter/detik untuk Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta serta kawasan Industri Sentolo di Kabupaten Kulonprogo. Yang menarik dari bendungan ini yaitu terbentangnya jembatan sepanjang 161 meter dengan lebar 3 meter yang menghubungkan Bantul dengan Kulon Progo, tepatnya antara Dusun Plambongan, Desa Triwidadi, Kecamatan Pajangan, Kabupaten Bantul dengan Dusun Kaliwiru, Desa Tuksono, Kecamatan Sentolo, Kulon Progo.
Kamijoro weir is a weir that is in the flow of the Progo River to be precise in Kamijoro Village, Pajangan District, Bantul Regency in the eastern part, while for the western part it is in the Sentolo District and Lendah District. Weir Kamijoro will bring great benefits for irrigation in two districts namely, Bantul and Kulon Progo Regencies. Inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on December 31 2019, this dam has the function of irrigating the Pijenan Irrigation Area (DI) covering an area of 2,370 hectares, it also functions to meet raw water needs of 25 liters/second for Bantul Regency and 475 liters/second for Yogyakarta International Airport as well as the Sentolo Industrial area in Kulonprogo Regency. What's interesting about this dam is the 161 meter long and 3 meter wide bridge that connects Bantul and Kulon Progo, to be precise between Plambongan Hamlet, Triwidadi Village, Pajangan District, Bantul Regency and Kaliwiru Hamlet, Tuksono Village, Sentolo District, Kulon Progo.
Executive Producer
Yusron Fuadi Munandar Aji Anindita Suryarasmi Eka Noviandi
Alifia Luthfi
Saka Gilap Asa
Jaladhi Bagus A
Dede Putra Firmansyah
about Jalan Kaki
Meaning “On Foot” in Bahasa Indonesia. We are a bunch of hyper active Yogyakarta-based young film maker who wanna capture the moment in times of specific place for generation to come, or those who also simply likes travelling and enjoy diversity. All footages are shot in CinemaDNG raw format for best possible dynamic range and color presentation. So, no, we’re not using a f******g action cam. Enjoy !!!!
Gear used :
Camera :BMPCC 4K + Samyang 14mm + Metabones Speedbooster
Audio : H4N + Roland CS-10EM Binaural Microphone
Editing n Grading : Da Vinci Resolve
Stabilizer : DJI Ronin S
Copyright @Akasacara Film
Visit for footage licensing, available in prores/dnxhr and original CinemaDNG
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