#cumisambalijo #resepcumi #indoculinairehunter
Dalam video ini saya membagikan trik memasak cumi supaya tidak bau amis dan cuminya empuk, tidak keras seperti karet. Resep cumi sambal ijo sangat mudah cara membuatnya dan bahan-bahan nya sedikit dan banyak didapat di pasaran. Untuk pecinta pedas resep cumi sambal ijo ini sangat cocok dan enak banget disantap dengan nasi putih yang masih hangat dan bisa dijadikan menu sahur dan berbuka puasa di bulan Ramadhan. Cumi sambalado ijo atau cumi sambal ijo rasanya enak, gurih, pedas dan wangi, cuminya empuk, tidak bau amis, tidak alot atau tidak keras. Cumi banyak mengandung protein yang baik dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, tapi hati-hati bagi yang alergie protein.
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Cumi segar 1 kg
Cabe rawit hijau 100 gram (bisa diganti cabe hijau keriting atau cabe hijau besar)
Bawang merah 120 gram (16 siung bawang merah kecil)
Bawang putih 3 siung
Cabe merah besar 3 buah
Daun bawang 3 batang
Daun jeruk 6 lembar
Daun salam 2 lembar
Saus tiram 4 sendok makan
Garam sesuai selera
Minyak goreng 10 sendok makan
Air 200 cc
Air 2 liter
Garam 1/2 sendok makan
Daun jeruk 6 lembar
In this video I share a trick for cooking squid so it doesn't smell fishy and the squid is soft, not hard like rubber. The green chili squid recipe is very easy to make and the ingredients are few and many are available on the market. For spicy lovers, this green chili squid recipe is very suitable and really delicious to eat with warm white rice and can be used as a menu for sahur and breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan. Green chili squid or green chili squid tastes good, tasty, spicy and fragrant, the squid is soft, doesn't smell fishy, not tough or not hard. Squid contains lots of good protein needed by the body, but be careful for those who are allergic to protein.
Enjoy trying the recipe, like, share, comment and subscribe, also activate the notification bell to get notifications when I upload a new video on this channel. Healthy greetings always...
Fresh squid 1 kg
Green cayenne pepper 100 grams (can be replaced with curly green chilies or large green chilies)
Shallots 120 grams (16 small shallots)
Garlic 3 cloves
3 large red chilies
Leeks 3 sticks
Orange leaves 6 pieces
Bay leaves 2 pieces
Oyster sauce 4 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Cooking oil 10 tablespoons
Water 200 cc
TO BOIL Squid:
Water 2 liters
Salt 1/2 tablespoon
Orange leaves 6 pieces
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