The world as it is now is not what it was before. That shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, right? After all, we the people have spread all over the world and built upon it many wonders…for better and for worse. But the “byproduct” of all that construction is that inevitably…something is going to get left behind and abandoned. That’s where urban explorers come into play. They look for areas that haven’t been populated by people for a long time and see if there’s anything unique, interesting, or spooky left behind. Hint: they sometimes find some really freaky stuff. So with that in mind, allow us to show you the 20 Most Disturbing Discoveries Made By Urban Explorers!
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20 Most Disturbing Discoveries Made By Urban Explorers
creepiestthingscreepiest thingsthings discovereddiscoveredurban explorersscariest thingsdiscoveriesdiscoverycreepyweirdstrangeststrangethings foundabandoned buildingsabandoned placesscary discoveriescaught on cameracaughtcaught on tapemysterious thingsmysterious discoveriesmost mysteriousin the worldunexplainedunexplained mysteriesthings discovered by urban explorersmysterious placesstrange placesplacesstrangest placesnew