Reviewing Vita Nostra, a kafkaesque fantasy book written by the great Ukrainian author duo Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko. This book often gets compared to Harry Potter, since the book is set in a magic school, but the comparison is very inaccurate. The book is more comparable to Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis, but instead of the story of a middle-class salesman turning into an insect, we get to see a Russian teenage girl turning into something more than human, showcasing the harrowing process of growing up.
00:00 - 00:45 Greetings
00:46 - 01:52 What's up with Ukraine?
01:53 - 02:34 About the Dyachenkos
02:35 - 06:00 Plot & Themes
06:00 - 07:02 The Kafkaesque influence
07:03 - 09:02 The Worldbuilding
09:03 - 10:28 The Wrinting style
10:29 - 11:22 The Final Verdict
11:23 - 11:57 Outro
#vitanostra #ukrainianliterature #bookreview #fantasybooks #franzkafka
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