Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976:
In accordance with Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowances are made for “fair use” purposes, including religious worship services, teachings, and prayers. Fair use permits certain uses of copyrighted materials that would otherwise be considered infringement, especially when used for non-commercial, educational, or personal purposes. As a Catholic Church, under the religious service copyright exception, all praise songs featured during our live Holy Masses and radio broadcasts, including those streamed on YouTube, are used in accordance with these provisions.
Important Note:
The rights to the music played belong solely to their respective copyright holders.
As a Catholic Radio Station conducting live streaming within the context of church services, we are not required to obtain a performance license for these songs.
We respect the intellectual property rights of artists, and all content played is part of our worship services.
Special thanks to Quiapo Church for the video and audio content used in our broadcasts.
We have official permission from the Quiapo Church account to use this material for our YouTube channel and radio station.
For any inquiries regarding permissions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us
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