(c) Větrné mlýny, 2014 (28. 7. 2014)
(c) Authors’ Reading Month, 2014
Měsíc autorského čtení je největší středoevropský literární festival, který probíhá v Brně, Košicích, Ostravě a Wroclawi (www.autorskecteni.cz)
Marek Vadas:
Narodil sa v 1971 v Košiciach. Vyštudoval estetiku a slovakistiku na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Dlhodobo cestoval po Afrike. Pôsobí ako poradca kráľa v kamerunskom Nyenjei. Venuje sa canisterapii. Pracuje v reklame. Píše pre deti i dospelých. Debutoval prózou Malý román (1994). Ocenenia sa dočkali jeho piata a šiesta kniha: Rozprávky z čiernej Afriky (2004; Cena Bibiany za najlepšiu detskú knihu, 2005) a zbierka poviedok Liečiteľ (2006; Anasoft litera, 2007). Naposledy vydal knihu drobných próz Čierne na čiernom (2013).
Marek Vadas:
Born in Košice in 1971, Marek Vadas studied aesthetics and Slovak language and literature at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava. He travelled around Africa for several years, even becoming adviser to the king in Nyenjei, Cameroon, during his stay. At the moment, however, he works in advertising and has a keen interest in canistherapy. He writes for children as well as for adults.
Marek Vadas’s first novel, Malý román [The Little Novel], was published in 1994. He has received two literary awards, one (The Slovak Bibiana Award for Best Children’s Book) for his 2004 collection of fairy tales Rozprávky z čiernej Afriky [Stories from a Black Africa], the second (Anasoft litera), for his short story collection Liečiteľ [The Healer], published in 2006.
His newest work Čierne na čiernom [Black on Black], published in 2013, is, once again, a collection of stories.
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