Utwór „Serce”(Ciemna Nocka) jest nagrany na płycie zespołu „Biało-Czerwoni – The White And Red Band” – Album Numer 1, dostępnym tu:
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#Serce #CiemnaNocka #BiałoCzerwoni
The song “Serce” (The Heart) is recorded on Volume 1 of the “Bialo-Czerwoni / The White And Red Band”. The alternate name for this song is “Ciemna Nocka”.
The album was originally released on vinyl LP in 1976. It is perhaps the best-known song, not always associated with the White And Red Band – Bialo-Czerwoni.
We are proud to release the video of this song.
The song “Serce”, is a story of a young man and a young woman in love being forbidden from seeing each other by the misguided parents (mother of the girl).
As the night descends, the young man is broken hearted that he is not able to see his lover in spite of burning passion for her. He finally decides that he will sneak out and see the girl via half open window at her house.
This song is perhaps “the” most covered song of the “Bialo-Czerwoni / The White And Red Band” by the musical groups in Poland and Polish bands around the world. Due to the folk melody motives in the song, many times the song is described as a folk song rather than the song of the With And Red Band – Biało-Czerwoni.
The song is one of the first compositions written by the leader of the band Zbigniew Marlon Kasprzyk who wrote lyrics and the music to the song.
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